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Jetway Pop-up Hotel in Doha, Qatar

This design by Margot Krasojevic is for a private airfield in Doha, Qatar. A short stay pop-up hotel hangar that can be wheeled to different docking locations, primarily used for waiting for connecting flights, refuelling and airplane maintenance.

The hotel lounge is an extension of the private jet which enables the clients to rest/ stay for a period of 24 hours before departure. The scheme is composed of three telescopic fibreglass polymer clad shells, the exterior contains perspex encased tritium sections that glow, this contained radioactive elements are harmless and have a ten year life span without the need for external power supply. The scheme can be dismantled for easier transportation.

The expandable interior sections are lined with a combination of laminated glass , photovoltaic cells and low-resolution LED Lighting which can be programmed to create any fully immersive environment which either connects you with the existing horizon line and context or completely dislocates you from it.

The second stage implements a hot air updraft tower to contribute to sustainable energy and environmental design considerations.

Категория: Архитектура | Добавил: ArtDubina (09.11.2015)
Просмотров: 667 | Теги: футуризм архитектура | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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