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House of Jazz in San Francisco

This project designed by Surasuk Pattanapanitchakul at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco intends to illustrate the synthesis between nature, urban and architecture, which supports and collaborate to each other, showing the soul of interconnection which increasingly synthesize with the space, in order to show how architecture can act as an instrument.Traditionally, music defined as aural element expressed through time. architecture as instrument explores the idea of music as defined by visual expressed through time, specificially shadows cast as the sun traverse the sky visual representation of temporal experience-thecycle of the day.Structure as instrument explores the idea that the structure itself is an orchestra and the ever-changing and continual shadows that fall across it and beside it are music experience by users.

In the context, the sun is the conductor, light are the musician roadside element are the instrument, and the shadow they cast are the music.The hybridization of jazz music which interacts with architecture is the main goal of this project, all each brilliant note which performs from the nature will amazingly increase performance through the space which morphs based on sound quality.The geometry design specially to maximize openess, flow of activityfrom the urban context to the interior space, creating the interconnection to each function start from the main plaza to the sky lounge on the top floor.Jazz, always changing, yet retains part of its original formation at it roots. Jazz is a musical style that change with the times and the various outlooks of it listeners. One reason that Jazz remains popular and alive is its ability to adapt to the world it lives in.The project intends to show the idea of cultural combination through art between Asian culture and American culture. This would introduce a new perspective to the Fillmore neighborhood, which is the center of blues and jazz in San Francisco. This factor combined with the high density of Asians residents in the area would convert Fillmore in the new Asian art destination in San Francisco.

-> New issue: "eVolo 04 - Re-imagining the Contemporary Museum, Exhibition & Performance Space"

Источник: http://www.evolo.us/architecture/house-of-jazz-in-san-francisco/
Категория: Архитектура | Добавил: ArtDubina (11.03.2012)
Просмотров: 984 | Теги: архитектура будущего | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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