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Asymptote’s FCD Yongsan Tower in Seoul


Award-winning architecture studio Asymptote, directed by Hani Rashid and Lise Anne Couture, recently unveiled their design for the FCD Yongsan Landmark Tower in Seoul, Korea.  The tower was conceived by Asymptote and engineered by Thorton Tomassetti. It was designed to confront the notion of a single spire, instead, proposes the idea of coupling and stringing three towers together.  According to Asymptote, "the inherent symbolism and reading of this tower will appeal to the global community and place a focus on South Korea, specifically Seoul’s aspirations for the future.


The design of the Tower predicts a new century of accomplishments, of grandeur coupled with modesty and of success coupled with effort and growth. It is a symbol of harmony, reconciliation, possibilities and beauty.” It is especially interesting the playfulness between green terraces and water canals the run from the Han River to different plazas. The height of each tower has been carefully regulated to create a sensible design towards Seoul’s skyline.




Источник: http://www.evolo.us/architecture/asymptotes-fcd-yongsan-tower-in-seoul/
Категория: Архитектура | Добавил: ArtDubina (11.03.2012)
Просмотров: 1002 | Теги: архитектура будущего | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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