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Beijing World Jewelry EXPO | DRDS

Beijing World Jewelry EXPO DRDS

DRDS Architects’ current design for the massive Beijing World Jewelry EXPO, takes into account a scope of 400,000 square meters, based on an exclusive agreement with the Chinese Government and the National China Geological Society. The project is for a new international jewelry exhibition and cultural center located adjacent to Beijing Airport. Clustered around two atria courts that offer daylight to visitors within, it is a civic and cultural landmark destination with a contemporary and iconic image. Design features support efficient and flexible leasing strategies to react to market conditions.


Courtesy of DRDS

The architects describe the Jewelry Expo as follows:

The project, envisioned for domestic and international travelers, leverage synergies between the Chinese jewelry industry, retail and entertainment, creating a single cultural center containing a jewelry wholesale market, fabrication processing facility, jewelry retail, exhibition, commercial retail, entertainment, duty free, food and beverage.  


Источник: http://www.arch2o.com/beijing-world-jewelry-expo-drds/
Категория: Заха Хадид | Добавил: ArtDubina (11.02.2017)
Просмотров: 546 | Теги: Zaha Hadid | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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