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Patkau’s Fallingwater Cottages

Recently picked as the winning design for an addition to the Fallingwater grounds, Patkau’s design implements a bold design with striking subtlety to create a serene community of cottages sunk into the Pennsylvania hills. The award was the first ever to be given out by Fallingwater for new construction on the grounds.

The design for the cottages explore the synergy of environment and architecture so well realized by Frank Lloyd Wright in the Fallingwater house 75 years ago. The Patkau cottages take Wright’s design principles to the 21st century and shed all conventionalism both inside and out. Non-angular interior walls create a comforting cocoon space within the hills and the choice of bare wood visually blurs the line between the interior and the rolling hills the cottages are set in and around. Outside, the cottages nearly disappear in the hills, engaging guests with the surrounding hills. The cottages are laid out in a proximity that encourages interaction between guests yet still respects privacy.

Patkau designed the cottages to be sustainable as well, further solidifying the unification between the built and nature. The built-in-hill design embraces the energy saving benefits of the natural heat retaining qualities of earth and all incorporate kitchen and grey water recycling.

The cottages will serve as lodgings for guests and students participating in the numerous educational programs offered at Fallingwater. What better place to house young designers than in fully realized, sustainable, and quite graceful examples of contemporary organic architecture?

The second place award for the competition was given to Wendell Burnette Architects and third place was awarded to Olson Kundig Architects.

Источник: http://www.evolo.us/architecture/patkaus-fallingwater-cottages/
Категория: Средовой дизайн | Добавил: ArtDubina (11.03.2012)
Просмотров: 1049 | Теги: архитектура будущего | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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