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inFORM’s Providence Pedestrian Bridge will connect, vitalize, and re-imagine

inFORM’s design for a multi-purpose pedestrian bridge beat out designs from 47 other firms in a competition to design a pedestrian bridge to replace what used to be the main artery bridge for interstate 195. A new more efficient I-195 bridge has since been constructed and so Providence looks to take advantage of the prime location with a pedestrian connector.

inFORM’s bridge is more a landmark than a means of passage, what they are calling an "urban intervention”. The boardwalk design includes gardens, spaces for sculptures, a sundeck, outdoor seating and even a built in café. The bridge will integrate with existing and planned green space along the river as well as with the existing riverwalk.

inFORM designed the Pedestrian Bridge to coincide directly with existing programmatic elements. The bridge will integrate with the perennial WaterFire events held along the Providence River, provide space for popular on shore fishing activities, local street vendors, buskers, and street entertainment. It will connect the Fox Point and College Hill areas with downtown Providence and the Knowledge District, areas Providence hopes to vitalize with the Pedestrian Bridge and other future projects.

The city has set aside $2 million for the Pedestrian Bridge and will build the bridge in phases as additional funds are allocated. The city commissioned the competition under the requirements the design would take advantage of the five existing granite piers left over from the previous I-195 bridge and hopes to save much of the construction costs this way. The bridge is expected to take around 18 months to complete, aiming for completetion by 2013.

Источник: http://www.evolo.us/architecture/informs-providence-pedestrian-bridge-will-connect-vitalize-and-re-imagine/
Категория: Средовой дизайн | Добавил: ArtDubina (11.03.2012)
Просмотров: 1149 | Теги: архитектура будущего | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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