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Epiphyte Architecture: Energy Symbiosis

Green Skyscrapers
In the next few days we will showcase 25 innovative proposals for green skyscrapers. These projects were submitted for the Annual Skyscraper Competition from 2006 to 2009.

Project 23 of 25


Epiphyte Architecture

Epiphyte Architecture

The increase in the tropical belt calls for a tropical response to the problems of resources, energy, and global warming. While, also trying to increase the life of structures for the benefit of all, until advanced structural techniques and increased highly developed environmental sustainable buildings become available. Our response is "Mechanical Epiphytes” (ME). ME are environmental energy generators; structures that have a symbiotic relationship to their supporting structure, namely the skyscraper. In nature, epiphytes grow above the ground extracting their nutrients from the atmosphere while using other plants or objects for support. ME anchor to their supporting structure in high strategic locations providing its companion energy through the means of solar power, wind turbine generations, water absorption and carbon dioxide collection and transformation.

Solar Power
Forty percent of the surface of a ME is dedicated to flexible photovoltaic cells split into 3PV arrays. All power generated is directly feed into the supporting structure and ultimately into the cities power grid.

Wind Turbine Generation
Three banks of wind turbines cover 40% of the ME. These nested turbines are offset from the PV arrays by 60 degrees to optimize energy for solar and wind.

Water Absorption
A membrane that extracts moisture from the air covers the surface area of the wind turbines letting air movement through while collection water to feed star back into the supporting structure.

Carbon Dioxide Collection / Transformation
Located in the center of the ME is a biological carbon dioxide collection system (vegetation). This helps to filter the air within the city by reducing the amount of CO2.

This project could be developed in 4 phases: (1)Location of ME to individual supporting units, (2) establish a larger network of MEs, (3) create a energy sufficient city, (4) birth of a new type of city.

Epiphyte Architecture - 1

Epiphyte Architecture - 1

Epiphyte Architecture - 2

Epiphyte Architecture - 2

Источник: http://www.evolo.us/architecture/epiphyte-architecture-energy-symbiosis/
Категория: Новая энергия | Добавил: ArtDubina (11.03.2012)
Просмотров: 719 | Теги: архитектура будущего, энергия солнца | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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