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The Vortex, A Complex to Enliven the Kaohsiung, Taiwan Waterfront

Paris-based Influx Studio, has designed "The Vortex,” a bold complex that will house the Kaohsiung, Taiwan Marine Culture and Pop Music Center, as well as retail, recreation, and outdoor performance spaces.

The Vortex’s center, or its "eye,” is a swirled hub that makes a strong architectural impact through its undulating roof. This part of the complex, designed to be an entertainment destination, will be open 24 hours a day, and will feature lively shops, cafes, pubs, restaurants, and more.

Designed to be a raised continuation of the sea waves that surround the complex, the roof extends from the "eye” in both directions along the waterfront, covering the cultural centers and retail spaces underneath like a thick, wavy ribbon. Influx Studio sees the structure’s defining wave imagery as representative of the sea, but also of sound waves, which further relates to the complex through its concert space.

An important aspect of this project actually lies outside of the complex: new pedestrian pathways leading to the site will be created to increase accessibility to the Vortex, and the waterfront area as a whole, from downtown Kaohsiung. Additionally, the land surrounding the complex will be landscaped into an urban park, furthering efforts to achieve Influx Studio’s goal of better uniting the city’s urban core and waterfront area. With this bold design, Influx Studio hopes that The Vortex will become an icon for the city, one that can entertain the masses and better unite the city’s urban core with its reawakening waterfront sector.

Источник: http://www.evolo.us/architecture/the-vortex-a-complex-to-enliven-the-kaohsiung-taiwan-waterfront/
Категория: Архитектура | Добавил: ArtDubina (11.03.2012)
Просмотров: 675 | Теги: архитекторура будущего | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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