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zaha hadid designs interiors for dubai’s opus office tower
zaha hadid designs interiors for dubai's opus office tower
zaha hadid designs interiors for dubai's opus office tower

zaha hadid designs interiors for dubai’s opus office tower
all images courtesy of zaha hadid architects / opus dubai

with construction moving ahead at the zaha hadid designed ‘opus office tower‘ in dubai, we take a closer look at the building’s interiors – also planned by the renowned iraqi-british architect. the holistic project involves the fitting out of the complex’s hotel rooms and apartment units, which are located at the upper levels of the structure.

zaha hadid dubai opus office tower designboom
the holistic project involves the fitting out of both the complex’s hotel rooms and apartment units




hotel suites are designed to cater to local residents and international travelers alike, while apartments within the distinctive scheme combine an urban way of living with a home-away-from home appeal, offering panoramic views across the city below. each room features an interactive media center and with an integrated digital music environment, while sliding and pivoting panels allow volumes to be readily and easily transformed.

zaha hadid dubai opus office tower designboom
living accommodation is brightly and naturally lit

throughout the scheme, clearly defined public spaces encourage the congregation of people from different backgrounds and cultures, allowing guests to engage with one another.

see designboom‘s previous coverage of the ‘opus office towerhere.

zaha hadid dubai opus office tower designboom
each piece of fur­ni­ture is either designed or cho­sen by zaha hadid

zaha hadid dubai opus office tower designboom
open-plan living quarters are decorated in hadid’s signature style

zaha hadid dubai opus office tower designboom
a more private area of the scheme

zaha hadid dubai opus office tower designboom
a distinctively shaped bed forms the center of the design’s sleeping quarters

zaha hadid dubai opus office tower designboom
rooms provide expansive views across the city below

zaha hadid dubai opus office tower designboom
each room features an interactive media center with an integrated digital music environment

zaha hadid dubai opus office tower designboom
a roof garden located at the uppermost level of the tower


zaha hadid opus office tower dubai interiors designboom
a hotel room within the mixed-use project
zaha hadid opus office tower dubai interiors designboom
clearly signed circulation routes within the hotel
zaha hadid opus office tower dubai interiors designboom
furniture within the scheme is also designed by hadid
zaha hadid opus office tower dubai interiors designboom
illuminated writing indicates the wishes of the specific guest
zaha hadid opus office tower dubai interiors designboom
floor plan / residential level 16
zaha hadid opus office tower dubai interiors designboom
floor plan / residential level 17
zaha hadid opus office tower dubai interiors designboom
floor plan / residential level 18
zaha hadid opus office tower dubai interiors designboom
floor plan / residential roof terrace
zaha hadid opus office tower dubai interiors designboom
floor plan / typical 1 bedroom apartment
zaha hadid opus office tower dubai interiors designboom
floor plan / 1 bedroom truss north
zaha hadid opus office tower dubai interiors designboom
floor plan / 1 bedroom truss south
zaha hadid opus office tower dubai interiors designboom
floor plan / 1 bedroom small
zaha hadid opus office tower dubai interiors designboom
floor plan / typical 2 bedroom apartment
zaha hadid opus office tower dubai interiors designboom
floor plan / 3 bedroom simplex
zaha hadid opus office tower dubai interiors designboom
floor plan / 2 bedroom internal corner
zaha hadid opus office tower dubai interiors designboom
floor plan / 2 bedroom internal west
zaha hadid opus office tower dubai interiors designboom
floor plan / 2 bedroom internal east
zaha hadid opus office tower dubai interiors designboom
floor plan / 3 bedroom triplex

Источник: http://www.designboom.com/architecture/zaha-hadid-architects-opus-office-tower-interiors-05-08-2014/
Категория: Заха Хадид | Добавил: ArtDubina (15.12.2014) W
Просмотров: 1387 | Теги: футуристический интерьер, заха хадид, Дизайн интерьера | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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