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MADE IN wins design with sprawling, waterfront activity zones for music complex in Taiwan

A multi-faced design has clinched Spanish architecture firm MADE IN the bid for Kaohsiung, Taiwan’s design of their new Maritime Cultural & Pop Music Center after competing with other firms in an international competition.

MADE IN’s design is built along a bay with zones catering to a myriad of uses. The architects sought to create a design that did more than provide a venue for concerts and events. They wanted a complex that could be used every day by citizens of Kaohsiung.

The Center is split up into zones along a bay, with each accommodating different uses. In Zone 1, for example, there is an outdoor performance area that can hold up to 12,000 people, a performance hall that can hold 5,000, and a music exhibit area that fills two towers, which are 113 and 83 meters tall.

A "night market” and promenade in Zone 2 speaks to the complex’s use by residents every day, and in Zone 3, access to the area as a whole is granted with a ferry stop. Zone 3 also features streets created to attract shoppers with galleries, gardens and a bike and pedestrian path.

In all, the complex will take up 11 waterfront hectares; there will be 80,000 meters of built space, and 20,000 square meters of open, public space. The budget for the project is $100 million Euros.

Источник: http://www.evolo.us/architecture/made-in-wins-design-with-sprawling-waterfront-activity-zones-for-new-music-complex-in-t
Категория: Средовой дизайн | Добавил: ArtDubina (11.03.2012)
Просмотров: 1025 | Теги: архитектура будущего | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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