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Architectural Installations Based on Algorithmic Simulations of Cellular Growth


Orproject in collaboration with ATLV has completed the installations Naizoshoku and Gaizoshoku for the offices of IT company Baishan in Beijing. Inspired by the complex algorithms which the client’s company develops, the installations are based on algorithmic simulations of cellular growth processes as they occur in nature. Similar to the growth of organisms which is based on cell division and cell differentiation, the installations have been computationally “grown” out of a small set of initial cells. Those initial cells start to divide and multiply. Larger cellular accumulations are formed according to intercellular behaviors and external forces which are acting on the system and which guide the geometry towards its final shape.

Naizoshoku, the installation in the café are of the office, follows an internal proliferation of the cells which causes the installation to bulge out and develop into an intricately glowing ceiling structure.

Gaizoshoku, the installation in the lobby, is developed via a marginal cell division along its edges. It grows out of the reception desk towards the ceiling where it proliferates outwards to cover the lobby area.

The installations and their underlying algorithms have been developed as a collaboration between Orproject’s Rajat Sodhi and Christoph Klemmt who is also faculty at the University of Cincinnati, and Satoru Sugihara of ATLV and faculty of SciArc.

“The generation of geometry via an incremental process of cell proliferation and cell differentiation allows for a continuous adjustment of the geometry during its formation. In nature, organisms can adjust to varying external conditions through this process. We have developed simulations of these processes so that we can design objects not through preconceived ideas, but by defining various factors and forces which we want the geometry to react to. The final form of an object is then the result of the influencing factors which it attempts to mediate in the best possible way.” explains Christoph Klemmt.

”To pursue a certain type of complex form and formation emerging out of the mechanism under which modern science found that complexity can be generated by simple rules, we looked into the mechanism of cellular division and growth and developed simplified algorithms to simulate abstract and geometric cellular growth. Then we explored a range of geometric results and obtained the final ones which satisfy spatial, structural and cost constraints by controlling parameters of simulated cells and environmental conditions for the growth process” explains Satoru Sugihara.






Категория: Дизайн интерьера | Добавил: ArtDubina (16.03.2016)
Просмотров: 775 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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